Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Make a Quickie Iron Man Mask!

I promised my four-year-old I'd make him an Iron Man mask. And I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I made him the whole damn helmet? I could sculp it out of foam or some other kiddie-safe material. But before I could even plot out the sliding faceplate and lighted eyes, the deadline was up.

Deadlines are always up with four-year-olds. I swear he takes after his mother. Too bad he never developed Daddy's taste for procrastination.

Iron Man Mask MkI

And so, I present to you, Iron Man Mask MkI. I found a large image online (hurray for Google Images), printed it out, pasted it onto a hard cardboard, cut it out and affixed an elastic band to it. Also folded in parts of the forehead and cheeks according to the grooves to give it a little shape, and voila! Iron Man!

Iron Man Jesse

This should keep Jesse occupied long enough for me to work on MkII. :) I'd love to make one like this guy here but I think it may be a little too ambitious for me. We'll see...